Business Statistics
Course title and alternative titles:
Business Statistics
Statistics for Business
This page summarizes the above-mentioned course offered in the Fall 2018 semester. This summary may not be compatible to the same course completed in a different semester.
This course introduces the 1st year students to the basic statistical techniques and tools that are widely used in modern business environment. It encompasses a brief introduction to statistics, data presentation, measurement of central tendency and dispersion, probability concepts, correlation, regression analysis, and hypothesis testing. In addition, there are several lab classes, in which students will practically learn how to perform basic statistical analysis using computer software. The knowledge and techniques taught in this course will be particularly useful for the students in rest of their BBA/MBA program (especially in quantitative courses).
After successfully completing this course, the student should be able to:
Define and describe statistics, data, information, variables, population, sample, and other related concepts
Measure the middle-point and dispersion of a sample/population using the most widely-used approaches, and critically interpret the results
Present a bunch of data in tables, graphs, and charts
Find out the probability of occurring an event at various circumstances
Measure the relationship between two variables
Forecast the state of an unknown variable based on a given variable
Detailed contents are only available on the print edition of course outline, which has already been distributed in the class. You may download the soft copy using this method >
Textbook and Study Materials
Textbook: “Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics”, by Lind, Douglas A.; Marchal, William G.; Wathen, Samuel Adam. 16th edition. Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education.
Calculator: Do not enter the classroom without calculator. Any good scientific calculator should serve the purpose. However, if you are planning to buy a new one, these are the recommended models to choose from: